Main Window

Content image – St. Magdalena in Italy / Böhringer Friedrich / CC BY-SA 3.0 AT
Style image – Landscape from Saint-Rémy / Vincent van Gogh / Public domain

1. New project

Starts a new project.

2. Open project

Opens a saved project.

3. Save project

Saves the current project. All content/style images opened, saved selections and style maps belong to them, seed value(for text-to-image) and input text will be stored in the project file.

4. Save project as

Saves the current project to a different project file.

5. Undo

Undo the previous action.

6. Redo

Redo the previously undo-ed action.

7. Style scale

Configures the maximum scale of style image patterns to be used in both prototyping and finalization processes.

A swirl in “The Starry Night” is a good example of a coarse scale pattern, while individual brushstrokes constituting it are fine ones.

In general, as coarser scale patterns are being used, the original “content” of the content image is getting more vague and vice versa.

8. Smoothing level

Configures the level of the smoothing effect at the boundary of a style in the prototyping process.

When painting the prototype over the content image, it slightly goes beyond the boundary of the target region for smoothness, and this parameter sets how farther it does so.

Note that it’s only used to make a prototype and not used in finalization.

9. Prototyping

Generates a prototype image, which contains the “content” of the currently selected region in the content image while having certain spatial scale image patterns of its counterpart in the style image, in an interactive manner(takes a few seconds), and paint it over the content image. When painting the prototype, it slightly goes beyond the boundary of the target region for smoothness. (See Smoothing level)

And more importantly, at the same time it stores this spatial style configuration in the style map, which will be used in the finalization process. To start finalization, there should not be any region not mapped to a certain style(which is identified by 3 parameters – a style image, a region in that style image and a style scale). You can also use multiple style images to stylize a content image, although you must be aware that as the number of distinct styles increases(especially using more than 1 style image), so do memory usage and execution time.

Sometimes prototype images are just good enough that the finalization step is not needed at all, but in general, prototype images only act as starting points of finalization and give some hints to users about what final results would look like. In addition, in the finalization step, users can ignore it and choose to start from the original content image if they want.

10. Erase style

Erases the painted prototype from the current selection of the content image, and also updates the style map correspondingly.

11. Finalization

Executes the pop-up dialog which will run an iterative algorithm to stylize the image using the configured style map and the prototype.

12. Enable/Disable seed input

“Seed” here means a non-negative integer used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator, whose number sequence is completely determined by it.

Since text-to-image generation uses random noises, if users want to reproduce a certain image(or sequence of images), the seed value used when it was generated must be provided as well as the image size, the number of steps and input text.

  • If unchecked(default) : the seed input edit box remains deactivated and shows the seed value used in the last(or ongoing) text-to-image run, which will be set to a random value each time.
  • If checked : the seed input edit box gets activated so that users can edit its value which will be used as the seed.

During a Text-to-Image run, seed will be incremented by 1(if seed is equal to the maximum value 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 then it’s set to 0) after generating each image for the current line of text, and will be reset to the initial value after finishing each line of text.

Let’s see an example. An user sets the number of images(per line of text) to 5, provides 2 lines of text and starts Text-to-Image, without enabling seed input. At first, the initial seed will be auto-generated(let’s say 7) and displayed in seed input edit box. Then 5 images will be generated from the first line of text, with seed value 7,8,9,10 and 11 respectively, followed by another 5 images for the second line with the same sequence of seeds. And each of those images can be reproduced later with the corresponding seed value and the line of text.

13. Seed input

Please refer to the above section “12. Enable/Disable seed input”.

14. Width of images

Width of images to be generated from the input text. Default value is 512 or 768, according to the type of diffusion model(SD 2.0-base or SD 2.0-v).

15. Height of images

Height of images to be generated from the input text. Default value is 512 or 768, according to the type of diffusion model(SD 2.0-base or SD 2.0-v).

16. Number of images

The number of images to be generated from each line of the input text.

17. Number of steps

The number of diffusion steps when generating images from the input text. You may adjust the balance between execution speed and image quality using this parameter.

18. Input text for image generation

Text describing images to be generated. Each line will be processed individually.

19. Open text editor

Opens the text editor dialog so that it can be edited more conveniently.

20. Text-to-Image

Generates images from the input text, using Stable Diffusion 2.0.

(Please note that Teripic uses slightly modified version of it so that result images will not be exactly same as ones from the original.)

21. Weight

Proportion of diffusion steps to be run when generating images from input text and an initial image, compared to usual Text-to-Image.

Higher values result in images less similar to the initial one and vice versa.

22. Text-to-Image with an initial image

Generate images from the input text and the current content image, using Stable Diffusion 2.0.

(Please note that Teripic uses slightly modified version of it so that result images will not be exactly same as ones from the original.)

Compared to usual Text-to-Image which starts from a completely random noise image, it starts from a noised version of the initial image.

23. Open image

Opens a image.

24. Export image

Exports the current image.

25. Zoom in

Zooms in on the current image.

26. Zoom out

Zooms out on the current image.

27. Zoom scale

Shows the zoom scale of the current image.

28. 2x Upscale

Upscales the current image to 2x size.

29. 4x Upscale

Upscales the current image to 4x size.

30. Scale image

Scales the current image to an arbitrary size.

31. Rotate left

Rotate the current image by 90 degrees in a counterclockwise direction. The current selection, saved selections and the style map will be also rotated accordingly.

32. Rotate right

Rotate the current image by 90 degrees in a clockwise direction. The current selection, saved selections and the style map will be also rotated accordingly.

33. Expand/Collapse selection view

Expand/Collapse selection view, which contains current selection view, saved selection tab and style map tab.

34. Free select

Clears the current selection and enters “free select” mode, which means it’s ready to begin selecting a region in the image. You can draw arbitrarily shaped boundaries by click-and-dragging as well as polygonal boundaries by clicking vertices, and you can use both methods alternately.

35. Free select plus

Enters “Free select plus” mode(without clearing the current selection), which means it’s ready to begin selecting a region in the image to be added to the current selection when finished. Also, if you click a saved selection in this mode, it is added to the current selection.

36. Free select minus

Similar to “Free select plus” except it does subtraction instead of addition.

37. Select all

Selects the whole image region.

38. Save selection

Saves the current selection. It can be retrieved in “Saved Selection” tab.

39. Delete selection

Deletes a saved selection which is active(highlighted) in “Saved Selection” tab.

40. Import selection

Imports saved selections from a Teripic selections file(*.trs).

41. Export selection

Exports saved selections to a Teripic selections file(*.trs).

42. Maximize/Unmaximize window

Maximize/Unmaximize this window it it is undocked(floating). This icon is disabled when it’s docked.

43. Dock/Undock window

Dock/Undock this window.

44. Current Selection

Shows the currently selected region of the image(white for the selected and black otherwise).

45. Saved Selection Tab

Shows saved selections.

If you click a saved selection,

  • in “free select” mode, it will be loaded to the current selection.
  • in “free select plus” mode, it will be added to the current selection.
  • in “free select minus” mode, it will be subtracted from the current selection.

46. Style Map Tab (Only exists in the content subwindow)

Shows distinct stylized regions in the content image which are categorized by stylization parameters – a style image, a region in that style image and a style scale. Note that this is not related to saved selections at all, as you can apply a style without saving any selection.

If you click an item of the style map tab, the corresponding content/style image regions will be loaded to the current selection of each content/style window and the value of the “Scale” combobox will be changed to the corresponding style scale.

47. Image Tab

Shows the list of the images opened. You can change the order of the opened images by drag-and-dropping tabs.

48. Image Page

Shows the current image and the current selection boundary. You can select the certain region of the image by clicking or dragging on it.

Finalization Dialog

1. Zoom in

Zooms in on the current image.

2. Zoom out

Zooms out on the current image.

3. Zoom scale

Shows the zoom scale of the current image.

4. Content scale

Configures the scale of the “content” to be preserved. If too much fine-scale details of the content image that has to be preserved disappeared during finalization, you can lower this scale and try again, and vice versa.

Values from 3 to 5 are generally recommended.

5. Content weight

Configures the relative importance of “content” compared to “style”. This affects finalization much more directly than the content scale parameter. For example if you set this to 100% and run finalization from the original content image(not the prototype), it will be not altered at all, because that 100% dictates “content” must be perfectly preserved while puts zero importance on “style” and the original image just trivially satisfies this condition.

Values from 5 to 20 percent are generally recommended.

6. Iteration

Configures the number of iterations to run the finalization algorithm. In general 2000 iterations when starting from the original(1000 if from the prototype) are enough to get a best quality result. You can also incrementally run it (first 500~1000 iterations to see what it looks like and another 1000~2000 to complete).

7. Use prototype

Chooses whether to use the prototype as the starting point or not(in this case the original content image will be used).

8. Time remaining

Shows estimated time remaining until the current run finishes.

9. Time elapsed

Shows time elapsed for the current run.

10. Finalize/Stop

Starts/Stops finalization.

11. To main

Sends the current image to the main window.

12. Export

Exports the current image. You can export it while finalization is still running.

13. Progress bar

Shows the progress of finalization.

14. Image page

Shows the current image being processed. It is updated every 3 second during finalization.


Ctrl+NNew project
Ctrl+Shift+OOpen project
Ctrl+SSave project
DeleteErase style
Ctrl+OOpen image
Ctrl+ASelect all
EscClear current selection
F1Free select
F2Free select plus
F3Free select minus

Command Line Arguments

You can use command line arguments listed below, by directly executing “program\Teripic.exe” instead of windows shortcuts.

  • -v768 : uses the Stable Diffusion 2.0-v model(trained for 768×768 resolution) instead of Stable Diffusion 2.0-base(trained for 512×512 resolution). Please check here for further information.
  • -cuda <index> : selects one of NVIDIA Graphic Cards if there is more than one. Index starts from 0.
  • -cpu : uses CPU instead of Graphic Card. It’s not recommended as it will be far much slower.